This morning in Japan, Sony held a press conference to announce (among other things) a new version of the PlayStation Vita.
The new version will be 20% thinner and 15% lighter, and will also have a slightly improved battery that lasts an hour longer than the original model.
It will also swap its OLED screen for an LCD, and will have a 1GB internal hard drive, though Sony also announced a new 64GB memory card for the Vita.
The new Vita will also be available in white, pink, light blue, and grey, as well as the original black.
It will be relased on October 10 in Japan, where stores are already accepting pre-orders, and while there was no word as to when or if this version would be released in the U.S. or anywhere else, it’s a good bet that it will at some point.
Whether we’ll get the white, gray, pink, or blue models as well as the black one, however, is a different story.