
Exclusive Interview: “Cursed By Fur” Author D.C. Gomez


Over the years, the story of “Little Red Riding Hood” has been turned into a classic cartoon by Bugs Bunny, an iconic musical by Stephen Sondheim, and a blood bath by Family Guy.

But in the following email interview about Cursed By Fur (paperback, Kindle), her take on the classic fairy tale, author D.C. Gomez’s Red says she’s turned the hoodie lover into, “…an assassin / serial killer with a vendetta against werewolves.”

D.C. Gomez Cursed By Fur Once Upon A Curse

I know you didn’t write them, but for people who didn’t read the first two books, Cursed By Gold, which was written by Jamie Dalton [How To Dump A Vampire], and Cursed By A Siren’s Kiss, which is by Riley Hunt and L.S. Embers, what is the Once Upon A Curse series about?

The Once Upon A Curse Series is a collection of nine stand-alone novels all based on fairy tales retelling with some spice. This is a great series for readers that enjoy a new fresh take on classics.

And then what is your entry, Cursed By Fur, about, and when and where is it set?

Cursed By Fur is an action packed mash-up of an urban fantasy adventure and a thriller. The team of Reapers Inc. are faced with a serial killer that they must find before the body count continues to pile.

This story takes place in the small town of Texarkana, Texas, which double as the only Haven for all supernatural community in the world.

Cursed By Fur is your take on the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood.” How is Cursed By Fur different from both the original fable as well as the different versions of that story we’ve seen over the years?

While Cursed By Fur is loose based on “Little Red Riding Hood,” readers can expect a completely different twist. In this novel, Little Red Riding Hood is an assassin / serial killer with a vendetta against werewolves. In the novel, you discovered what drove a little girl to take vengeance against this group of supernatural beings.

Where did you get your idea for your specific take on “Little Red Riding Hood”?

This series gave me an opportunity to explore the idea of, What if Little Red Riding Hood wasn’t the good one? So taking the theme gave me an opportunity to play and create something new.

Aside from whoever originally came up with the idea for “Little Red Riding Hood,” are there any writers who you feel had a big influence on Cursed By Fur, but are not people you’d consider a big influence on any of your previous novels?

Terry Pratchett is a big influence for this book. The way he crosses the supernatural world with mysteries or even thrillers is something I admired. I found myself enjoying his style for the creation of this book.

How about non-literary influences; was Cursed By Fur influenced by any movies, TV shows, or games? Aside from different versions of “Little Red Riding Hood,” of course.

While I wasn’t influenced by non-literary sources, readers who enjoy Supernatural or Lucifer would enjoy Cursed By Fur. Since this is an urban fantasy adventure, elements found on those shows can be seen in the book.

“Little Red Riding Hood” has been adapted into such movies as The Company Of Wolves and Freeway, the Stephen Sondheim musical Into The Woods, and an episode of Family Guy. Do you think Cursed By Fur could be adapted into a movie or TV show? Or an episode of Family Guy?

Cursed By Fur could easily translate into a movie. As a thriller and the search for a serial killer, it would keep audiences engage for the plot and adventure. The fabulous Blake Lively [A Simple Favor] would make an amazing Nikita.

D.C. Gomez Cursed By Fur Once Upon A Curse

Finally, if someone enjoys Cursed By Fur, what book in the Once Upon A Curse that you didn’t write would you suggest they check out next?

This is a really hard questions, since all the books in this series are so good. If I can only recommend one, it would be Jamie Dalton’s Cursed By Gold. This is a retelling of Cinderella with King Midas. Except she is a thief and the only thing the king can touch that doesn’t turn to gold.



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