Like every writer, Victor Milan — the author of the The Ballad Of Karyl’s Last Ride trilogy — has been influenced by other writers. But in doing the following email interview with Milan about the recently published third book in the series, The Dinosaur Princess (hardcover, Kindle), he revealed that — unlike some writers — he’s been influenced by other writers personally.
- Tags Author Interviews, Books, Fantasy, reading, The Ballad Of Karyls Last Ride, The Ballad Of Karyls Last Ride Interview, The Dinosaur Lords Series, The Dinosaur Princess, The Dinosaur Princess Interview, Victor Milan, Victor Milan Dinosaur Lords, Victor Milan Dinosaur Lords Interview, Victor Milan Dinosaur Princess, Victor Milan Dinosaur Princess Interview, Victor Milan Interview, Victor Milan The Ballad Of Karyls Last Ride, Victor Milan The Dinosaur Knights, Victor Milan The Dinosaur Lords, Victor Milan The Dinosaur Lords Interview, Victor Milan The Dinosaur Lords Series, Victor Milan The Dinosaur Princess, Victor Milan The Dinosaur Princess Interview