
Exclusive Interview: “Zombicide: Invader: Planet Havoc” Author Tim Waggoner


As someone who loves zombies almost as much as he loves sci-fi, I of course love stories about zombies… in… SPAAAAAACE!!

It’s why I’m excited for the remake of Dead Space, it’s why I can’t wait for the animated show Marvel Zombies, and why I was excited to do the following email interview with writer Tim Waggoner about his novel Zombicide: Invader: Planet Havoc (paperback, Kindle), a military sci-fi horror story based on the space zombies board game Zombicide: Invader.


Exclusive Interview: The Forever House Author Tim Waggoner


As a kid who grew up in the suburbs, in a cul-de-sac, and with an active imagination, few things were scarier when I was small than new neighbors. Though I never imagined they’d be like the emotional vampires in Tim Waggoner’s new novel, The Forever House (hardcover, paperback). In the following email interview, he not only discusses what inspired and influenced this horror-adjacent dark fantasy tale, but also how it was impacted by a certain alien he wrote about recently.

Books Movies

Exclusive Interview: “Alien: Prototype” Author Tim Waggoner


Like with Star Trek, Star Wars, and Halo, the Alien / Aliens universe has expanded a lot lately thanks to all the new novels, comics, and video games. All of which is coming together in the new Alien novel, Alien: Prototype (paperback, Kindle). In the following email interview, writer Tim Waggoner talks about how this story came to be, and how it connects to other Aliens running around the universe.