With the release of his new sci-fi space opera Starfire: Memory’s Blade (paperback, Kindle), writer Spencer Ellsworth finishes the science fiction trilogy he started last year with A Red Peace and continued with Shadow Sun Seven. Though in talking to him about the third book in the series, he revealed that there’s actually more to this story forthcoming…sort of.

- Tags Author Interviews, Books, reading, Sci-Fi, science fiction, space opera, Spencer Ellsworth, Spencer Ellsworth A Red Peace, Spencer Ellsworth A Red Peace Interview, Spencer Ellsworth Books, Spencer Ellsworth Interview, Spencer Ellsworth Memory's Blade, Spencer Ellsworth Memorys Blade Interview, Spencer Ellsworth Shadow Sun Seven, Spencer Ellsworth Shadow Sun Seven Interview, Spencer Ellsworth Starfire, Spencer Ellsworth Starfire A Red Peace, Spencer Ellsworth Starfire A Red Peace Interview, Spencer Ellsworth Starfire Interview, Spencer Ellsworth Starfire Memory's Blade, Spencer Ellsworth Starfire Memorys Blade Interview, Spencer Ellsworth Starfire Shadow Sun Seven, Spencer Ellsworth Starfire Shadow Sun Seven Interview, Spencer Ellsworth Twitter, Spencer Ellsworth Wikipedia