
Exclusive Interview: “Sword & Planet” Editor Christopher Ruocchio


While the Dune novels and Star Wars saga are clearly as entrenched in the genres of science fiction and space opera as the Foundation novels and the Star Trek saga, there are also fantastical and spiritual elements to those former stories that place them in the realm known as space fantasy or science fantasy.

It’s also where you’ll find the stories collected in a new anthology called Sword & Planet (paperback, Kindle).

In the following email interview, S&P editor Christopher Ruocchio discusses how this collection came together.


Exclusive Interview: “The Qubit Zirconium” Author M. Darusha Wehm


I don’t know what it is, but robots just seem like they’d make great detectives in noir sci-fi stories. For proof of this, you have to go no further than The Qubit Zirconium (paperback, Kindle), M. Darusha Wehm’s comedic buddy cop noir mystery science fantasy space opera. In the following email interview about it, Wehm discusses what inspired and influenced this robotic heist caper, as well as how it connects to the sci-fi board game KeyForge.


Exclusive Interview: Requiem Moon Author C.T. Rwizi


With Requiem Moon (hardcoverpaperback, Kindle, audiobook) writer C.T. Rwizi is continuing the science fantasy saga he started in 2020 with Scarlet Odyssey. But as he explains in the following email interview, this second book is no longer the end of the story.


Exclusive Interview: “The Constant Rabbit” Author Jasper Fforde


When most of us think of rabbits, we picture something cute and cuddly and fluffy and oh my god, he’s holding that carrot like he’s people….

But in his new allegorical / satirical science fantasy novel The Constant Rabbit (hardcover, Kindle, audiobook), writer Jasper Fforde presents a world in which rabbits are still all of those things, but they’re also people who are discriminated against. In the following email interview, Fforde explains what inspired and influenced this fuzzy and (sadly) timely tale.