
Exclusive Interview: “Kingdoms Of Death” Author Christopher Ruocchio


With Kingdoms Of Death (hardcover, Kindle, audiobook), writer Christopher Ruocchio is presenting the fourth novel in his space fantasy series, The Sun Eater saga.

But as he explains in the following email interview, this series just got longer, sort of, and is all the better for it.


Exclusive Interview: “Tales Of The Sun Eater, Vol. 1” Author Christopher Ruocchio


As if writing three novels that clock in at more than 600 to 700 — pages each wasn’t enough, with a 170-page novella to boot, science fantasy writer Christopher Ruocchio has decided to further expand his already epic Sun Eater series with a plethora of short stories.

In the following email interview, Ruocchio discusses the first collection of them, Tales Of The Sun Eater, Vol. 1 (Kindle), as well as his plans for more volumes, a print collection, and the next lengthy novel.


Exclusive Interview: “Demon In White” Author Christopher Ruocchio


In Empire Of Silence and Howling Dark, the first two books of The Sun Eater series, writer Christopher Ruocchio presented a sci-fi space opera story that was like if Frank Herbert had returned the favor and written a Dune sequel influenced by Star Wars.

In the following email interview, Ruocchio discusses Demon In White (hardcover, Kindle), the third book in The Sun Eater saga, as well as the lite novel The Lesser Devil (paperback, Kindle, audiobook), a side story to this series.


Exclusive Interview: “Howling Dark” Author Christopher Ruocchio


In Star Wars: Revenge Of The Sith, Obi-wan laments that Anakin was supposed to bring balance to The Force, not enable a hostile takeover of the galaxy. But what if instead of being The Emperor’s enforcer, Anakin had fulfilled the prophecy?

Such is the premise of The Sun Eater, a series of original sci-fi fantasy novels by writer Christopher Ruocchio.

With the second novel, Howling Dark, newly available in hardcover and Kindle, and the first, Empire Of Silence, recently released in paperback, I spoke to Ruocchio via email about what inspired and influenced these novels, as well as his plans for future stories.