3DS PlayStation 3 PlayStation 4 Video Games WiiU Xbox 360 Xbox One

Exclusive Interview: Skylanders SWAP Force & Beyond: Two Souls Composer Lorne Balfe


You’d have a hard time finding two games with as little in common as Skylanders SWAP Force and Beyond: Two Souls. Unless you pay attention to their music, since both feature the musical stylings of composer Lorne Balfe, who’s previously worked on 2009’s Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, 2011’s Crysis 2, and, last year, both Assassin’s Creed III and Skylanders: Giants. And yet, when it comes to Skylanders SWAP Force and Beyond: Two Souls, Balfe also thinks they have little in common, which is how he likes it.

3DS Movies Reviews Video Games

“Star Wars Pinball” for the 3DS Review


As someone who loves Star Wars, pinball, and video games, but is not a big fan of playing games on systems with tiny screens, the idea of playing Star Wars Pinball for the 3DS is…well, let’s just say even C-3PO could feel the conflict within me. And he can’t feel anything.

But while Star Wars Pinball for the 3DS has its issues — most of which, admittedly, have more to do with the 3DS than the game itself — it’s still fairly addictive.

3DS PlayStation 3 PlayStation 4 Reviews Video Games WiiU Xbox 360 Xbox One

Skylanders SWAP Force Review


Skylanders SWAP Force (Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, WiiU, Wii, 3DS) is the third installment in what is easily the most popular new series since the first Call Of Duty came out in 2003. But what if, like me, you’ve never played a Skylanders game before, or only played one of the others ones briefly, and are intrigued by all the positive press?

As it turns out, you shouldn’t believe the hype. Well, okay, maybe a little.

Comics Movies News Toys

Toy News: Captain America & Star Wars Bookends Announced


Gentle Giant have announced that they will release bookends featuring both Captain America’s shield and the symbol of the Rebel Alliance next fall.

DVDs/Blu-rays Movies News

Individual “Indiana Jones” Movie Blu-rays Announced


Paramount Home Video have announced that the first three Indiana Jones movies — 1981’s Raiders Of The Lost Ark (since renamed Indiana Jones And The Raiders Of The Lost Ark), 1984’s Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom, and 1989’s Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade — will be released on individual Blu-rays on December 17.

Previously, the movies had only been available on Blu-ray as part of the boxed set Indiana Jones: The Complete Adventures.

News Toys TV

TOY NEWS: Statue Of Michonne From The Walking Dead Announced

Gentle Giant have announced that they’ll release a statue of Michonne from The Walking Dead  this fall.

Movies News Toys

TOY NEWS: Scarlett Johansson-looking Black Widow Statue Announced

Gentle Giant have announced that they will release a statue of the Marvel Comics superhero Black Widow based on how she looked when portrayed by Scarlett Johansson in the upcoming movie Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

Movies PC PlayStation 3 PlayStation Vita Reviews Video Games Xbox 360

“Star Wars Pinball: Balance Of The Force” Review


Like their previous pinball tables, Star Wars or otherwise, the ones included in Zen Studio’s new Star Wars Pinball: Balance Of The Force collection strike a great balance between realism and unrealistic expectations. Which is why, like their previous pinball tables, the ones included in Star Wars Pinball: Balance Of The Force are as addictive and fun, well, Zen’s other pinball tables, Star Wars or otherwise.

3DS Video Games

Exclusive Hands-On Preview: Mario Party: Island Tour


Like previous games in the series, the upcoming Mario Party: Island Tour is made to be played with other party people. But as we learned when we got a chance to play the game during a recent media tour, this game also makes it easier to get other people to play as well.