iOS PC Video Games

Exclusive Interview: Bardbarian Illustrator/Animator Mike Gaboury


When you’re a barbarian, all your problems are solved with a sword. But what if you were a barbarian who preferred to solve your problems with a song? Such is the plight of Brad, a barbarian mercenary in the new iOS game Bardbarian, which was made by TreeFortress and published by BulkyPix. But in talking to TreeFortress illustrator and animator Mike Gaboury, their heroes penchant for music over might isn’t the only thing that makes Bardbarian unique.

PC Video Games

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Insurgency Designer Andrew Spearin

Ever since Counter-Strike went from being a Half-Life mod to its own stand alone game, it’s been the dream of modders everywhere to have theirs make the same leap. The latest to do so is Insurgency, a tactical first-person shooter from New World Interactive that’s a spin-off of the Half-Life 2 mod Insurgency: Modern Infantry Combat. But in talking to designer Andrew Spearin, it’s obvious that they’re not just trying to make Counter-Strike 2: Electric Boogaloo.

DVDs/Blu-rays Movies News

DVD/BLU-RAY NEWS: Avengers Confidential: Black Widow & Punisher Announced

Sony Home Video have announced that they will release a new Marvel Comics animated movie called Avengers Confidential: Black Widow & Punisher on DVD, in a DVD/Blu-ray combo pack, and digitally on March 25th. 


Exclusive Interview: Pandemic Author Scott Sigler


With his new medical sci-fi horror novel Pandemic (paperback, Kindle, audiobook), writer Scott Sigler brings his Infected trilogy to a close. In honor of this, I spoke to him about his original influences, how this series could be adapted to other media, and which of his other books you should read when you’re done with Pandemic.

DVDs/Blu-rays Movies News TV

DVD/BLU-RAY NEWS: FUNimation Announces April Anime Releases

FUNimation have announced what anime DVDs and Blu-rays they’ll be releasing this April, and it’s good news for fans of Dragonball Z, Eureka Seven, and One Piece.

Books Comics News Toys

“Darth Vader And Son” and “Darth Vader’s Little Princess” Special Editions Announced


Gentle Giant and Chronicle Books have announced that they will release special editions of Jeffrey Brown’s Darth Vader And Son and Darth Vader’s Little Princess — which will include exclusive sculptures and versions of the books — sometime before this summer.

DVDs/Blu-rays Movies News

DVD/BLU-RAY NEWS: Gravity Announced

Warner Home Entertainment have announced that Gravity — the thriller from Alfonso Cuarón that was described by Tina Fery as “story of how George Clooney would rather float away into space and die than spend one more minute with a woman his own age.” — will be released on DVD, in a DVD/Blu-ray combo pack, in a 3D DVD/Blu-ray combo pack, and digitally on February 25th.

News Toys TV

TOY NEWS: Statue Of Walking Dead’s Daryl Dixon Announced

Gentle Giant have announced that they will release a statue of Daryl Dixon from the TV show The Walking Dead at the end of 2014.

Comics Movies News Toys

TOY NEWS: Captain America: Winter Soldier Statue Announced

Gentle Giant have announced that they will release a statue of Captain America based on how he looks in the upcoming movie Captain America: The Winter Soldier at the end of 2014. Which is probably when the movie will be coming to DVD, Blu-ray, and digital services (though don’t quote me on that).