Kid Robot have released a series of South Park mini figure toys called “The Many Faces Of Cartman,” and have also announced a larger toy of the character as the robot A.W.E.S.O.M.-O.
First up, the toys in “The Many Faces Of Cartman” series are 3-inches tall, and come in blind boxes, so you won’t know until you get home whether you got the “Beefcake BEEFCAKE!” one, the border agent one, A.W.E.S.O.M.-O., or the one who demands you “RESPECT MY AUTHORITAH!”
These figures are $11.99 each, and are available on Kid Robot’s website.
As for the larger A.W.E.S.O.M.-O, it is 8-inches tall, and has a removeable head so it can go from this…
…to this.
It will retail for $60.00, but there’s no news as to when it will be out.
For more info on these or any of Kid Robot’s South Park toys, visit their website.